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The world I want to live in

A list of thoughts and ideas for a fun future, WIP.

  • All information is always available and cleary cited
  • Every human understands that all beings are different, and everyone's need is different. Empathy
  • Maximum synergy amongst human beings
  • Humans understand that the internet is full of bots and how they work
  • Everyone is connected at will. World Mobile/Starlink/Telecom comes to mind
  • "You do you" and that's okay
  • Digital sovereignty is solved, maybe by Atala PRISM or solid project
  • Gigabit bandwidth everywhere, minimum. Hardware and software
  • There's no fuelling/charging a car. The battery just gets swapped out with a freshly charged one, and the car drives on, adding the depleted battery to the charging network
  • Ærlighet varer lengst
  • When you buy something, you own it and may do as you want with it as seem fit. Within laws
  • Goods are available where needed. Logistics problem. (3D-printing a cake, medicines by drone etc)
  • Global economic fundamentals are based on open-source and rigorous new technology like blockchain, e.g. Cardano, usage will of course vary by location
  • Health priority
  • Proactive health services; We have the tech, it's possible to create systems where you can be your own doctor
  • Human creativity is paramount
  • Greed is bad
  • Consciousness is explained and understood
  • Theory of everything exists within physics
  • International/Global open AI Safety protocols
  • Usage of technology to avoid corruption, in all disciplines
  • The idea of War is dumb and frowned upon / makes no sense
  • VR gaming is solved, Valve shows the world how it's done. Floor tiling is consumer product for infinite movement
  • All humans are content
  • systems/software/information sharing is made through formal methods / pure programming / open specifications, and can be verified by anyone


Our first "cyber human", so cool

I love when technology helps people. This is way over the top, crushing wolds records on day 1.

Go Noland and go Neuralink! 🥰