Elon Musk's NEW EPIC Rant!
Source: https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1YpJkwgbQQdJj
Edited version:
Source: https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1YpJkwgbQQdJj
Edited version:
Politics merging with technology; The Interim Constitutional Committee Election is ongoing and Cardano is on the way into the Voltaire-era in the roadmap.
This is a milestone in human progression regarding technology and governance.
Technology for secure digital [international] governance exists 🙌
Jeg er veldig glad i tech/utstyr/tjenester fra produsenter som er skikkelig, noe som varer, er stabilt, og er bygget med varsom baktanke.
Eventuelt noe som er enkelt.
Noen eksempler:
Göbekli Tepe?
And also, they can be fully electrical.
Tachyon 4×4 – Sort – typegodkjent L7E B1 med muligheter for ENOVA støtte
Windows - It's a nice tool and it's useful in the Microsoft way
MacOS - It's a nice tool and it's useful in the Apple way
Linux - It's a nice tool for everything and you can use it as you see fit, however you want it, and it's free, and you can contribute back / being a part of it.
Also the linux distro tree is always so cool to check out