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The importance of feedback loops

"Feedback loops" are such an incredibly useful concept. All websites, services, and such should have a "feedback" button very available.

  • Clients who uses services can easily send feedback on issues or ideas for improvements
  • Providers can easily aggregate information and make their services better, and/or track and continue exploring ideas from the feedback with their client

Providers should be overly open and relaxed for incoming feedback.

E. g. when chatbots forces the user to select premeditated steps and alike. The Provider must be open minded for the client, because they don't know the clients problem like they do.

Interesting questions about AI/tech future

This is not ment as a doomers post, I love the AI technology, but we all need to think about consequences. Here are some thoughts (might be updated over time).

This is assuming an AI could do what a human could do;

  • What do we do when/if AI's start signing up emails, creating websites, sharing etc, because they need it to complete a task?
  • What do we do if/when AI's start making passport, or order fake passports from the darknet?
  • What could happen if an AI breaks certain ciphers and launches huge botnets at a scale and speed faster than any current tech could withstand?
  • What happens if we don't solve the one human=one digital identity problem before other humans uses AI technology to launch gigantic scams?
  • Scam centers are already a problem, what happens when/if (I assuming it's ongoing) they start deploying AI tech to just call everybody at the same time?

Some solutions and/or thoughts:

  • Spread knowledge about security
  • Spread knowledge about current technology trying to solve important problems: e.g. Cardano (blockchain digital identity, blockchain governance, accountability of information sharing/fact checking, etc..)

Other thoughts:

  • What happens when humanity "solves" or figure out what consciousness is?
    • If brain waves can be decoded, how will the world work? A hacker gadget might be able to scan brains and "see" their memories/thoughts
  • What happens if we solve energy, like fusion? Everything is suddenly available for anyone