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Regarding AI safety

I think AI-technology should be open-sourced and shared.

The alternative seems to be human greed-related outcomes, which is something I think we should avoid as a species.

Relevant videos/podcasts from DOAC;  Steven Bartlett, Mo Gawdat, Mustafa Suleyman



The world I want to live in

A list of thoughts and ideas for a fun future, WIP.

  • All information is always available and cleary cited
  • Every human understands that all beings are different, and everyone's need is different. Empathy
  • Maximum synergy amongst human beings
  • Humans understand that the internet is full of bots and how they work
  • Everyone is connected at will. World Mobile/Starlink/Telecom comes to mind
  • "You do you" and that's okay
  • Digital sovereignty is solved, maybe by Atala PRISM or solid project
  • Gigabit bandwidth everywhere, minimum. Hardware and software
  • There's no fuelling/charging a car. The battery just gets swapped out with a freshly charged one, and the car drives on, adding the depleted battery to the charging network
  • Ærlighet varer lengst
  • When you buy something, you own it and may do as you want with it as seem fit. Within laws
  • Goods are available where needed. Logistics problem. (3D-printing a cake, medicines by drone etc)
  • Global economic fundamentals are based on open-source and rigorous new technology like blockchain, e.g. Cardano, usage will of course vary by location
  • Health priority
  • Proactive health services; We have the tech, it's possible to create systems where you can be your own doctor
  • Human creativity is paramount
  • Greed is bad
  • Consciousness is explained and understood
  • Theory of everything exists within physics
  • International/Global open AI Safety protocols
  • Usage of technology to avoid corruption, in all disciplines
  • The idea of War is dumb and frowned upon / makes no sense
  • VR gaming is solved, Valve shows the world how it's done. Floor tiling is consumer product for infinite movement
  • All humans are content
  • systems/software/information sharing is made through formal methods / pure programming / open specifications, and can be verified by anyone


Thoughts about the state of the world

I just read through this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia%E2%80%93NATO_relations

And watched the tucker-putin interview; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOCWBhuDdDo&t=3582s

And read through this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Ukrainian_War

And watched the Biden speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfr7Wpz_mPo

And watched Tucker and Jones video/conversation: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1765932165475209411

And RFK Jr.: How I See The State Of Our Union: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0yvc2Qhn5E

Lot's of And 🦆 ("and" means "duck" in norwegian) 😊

It is of course a very complicated situation. Here are some of my own compressed takeaways/thought:

  • It seems like Putin himself wants a peaceful resolution, when I listen to what he's saying
  • Does Joe Biden want a peaceful resolution or a war? What are the suggestions for resolution here?
  • I hope nobody wants war. I think most people want to feed the idea of "let's work together". At least, I hope so
  • I think everyone should both read all the wikipedia articles and watch the full interviews and make up their own opinion
  • Clear communication and intent and open analysis of intent versus action is very important. Being honest and straightforward usually leads to great things
  • Be very careful about what you read and hear and who owns/controls which source of information
  • I find it unclear how the USA voting system works, technically, in details
  • I find it unclear how the Russian voting system works, technically, in details
  • Ask yourself; who is fueling war, and why? And then listen to what every party says. Be critical on how headines and media is written, study the source

I would love to see a four-hour long interview/sit down with maybe Tucker, Putin and someone from the USA administration, Zelenskyy, and a NATO spokesperson, maybe Stoltenberg 😅 In the same format as the Tucker-Putin-interview.

I am not inferring anything or "taking sides" here. These are just my thoughts, mostly for myself to try to get a "world view" everything considered.

I really hope every human can be open and cooperate together towards peace and great science and a future where every human can be happy with their own situation, using all the technology and tools available.

I also hope the world would start using technologies like Cardano for voting systems and economy. Because it's an open technology and everyone can analyse all the data themselves to avoid any corruption.

Meanwhile the Israel-Hamas-conflict is ongoing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_invasion_of_the_Gaza_Strip_(2023%E2%80%93present)

Also happy women's day 💃 😊

Also very inspiring words from Charles Hoskinson; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhI1PfZsPuM

Ancient technology

I've been fascinated by this rabbit hole lately. What kind of technology did our ancestors inherit?

Seems like some lost technology that harnessed the natural laws of the universe. Very intriguing.