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Issue reporting and the interface between users and providers

Referencing The importance of feedback loops; having good and open systems in place where communication between provider and user is important.

As I was reporting a bug in data graphs to Coinbase, I yet again experienced this interface failing. I like Coinbase, and they offer useful utility in some sense, so I'm only using them as a example to cover the issue here;

For the user/consumer this feels like getting support is a hassle. That's unfortunate, because a good world should embrace support. This idea can be applied to all disciplines of life.

And regarding feedback loops, what happens with the "No" in "Was your issue resolved?". I mean the issue isn't YET resolved, does that then create negative data on the support agent?

Transcript for reference, and yes, I had to copy paste and format this all because there was no "download transcript" button, which would have been a useful tool:

Hey, Stig! I'm the Coinbase Virtual Assistant.
04:39 PM 💡 For quality and training, messages may be recorded. Coinbase collects and processes personal data as required by law. View our Global Privacy Policy for more info.
04:39 PM How can I help? Select a topic or ask me a question.
04:39 PM I work best with single sentences, like "I want to add a payment method" or "Why can't I buy crypto?"
04:39 PM The my assets/my balance graph looks incorrect, maybe a bug
04:40 PM What would you like to update in your account profile?

💡 Don't see what you're looking for? Browse your profile for more options
04:40 PM human
04:40 PM To get you the right assistance, I need to know what you're reaching out about.
04:40 PM I work best with single sentences, like "I want to add a payment method" or "Why can't I buy crypto?"
04:40 PM View more
04:40 PM Ok, here are a few more...
04:40 PM The graph at https://www.coinbase.com/assets
04:40 PM Sure, which are you interested in?
04:41 PM human
04:41 PM Please ask your question a different way.
04:41 PM How can I help? Select a topic or ask me a question.
04:41 PM I work best with single sentences, like "I want to add a payment method" or "Why can't I buy crypto?"
04:41 PM I want to report a bug
04:41 PM Just a moment.
04:41 PM You'll be connected to the next available agent
04:41 PM Srikanth entered the chat

Your support agent is ready to assist you

Hi! I'm [REDACTED]. I've reviewed your conversation so far, and it looks like you need some more assistance with reporting a bug. Is that correct?
04:42 PM Hi, I was looking at the graph at https://www.coinbase.com/assets

and the 1Y view and All view shows different data
04:42 PM I have a screencast I can share, if you have a way for me to upload/share
04:43 PM I understand that you are able to see incorrect data and I will help you to report it.
04:44 PM I understand that this isn’t an ideal experience. Let’s see how we can find a resolution.
Please send us the screenshot through our secure SendSafely portal:
04:45 PM Please confirm once you have sent it.
04:49 PM Please note that we will be disconnected if you are unresponsive for 5 minutes, so please stay engaged to avoid having to start over. In case we get disconnected, the next agent will pick us up from where we left off.
04:53 PM Just to confirm, are we still connected?
04:53 PM ACK
04:53 PM just trying to make a better video here of the problem (the first one was too large)
04:53 PM Sure, I am here with you.
04:56 PM Just to confirm, you are using an app or web which shows incorrect data?
04:57 PM website
04:57 PM oh, the link doesn't accept video, ill upload images, two sec
05:01 PM two views of april 4. with completely different data
05:01 PM Thank you for sharing. Let me check this. Please allow me a moment while I check the details and update you.
05:02 PM 👍
05:02 PM Yes, there is a completely different data which shows in the screenshots which you have shared.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
05:05 PM VPN's, ad-blockers, security software, browser extensions, etc. can also cause issues. If you wish, you may try the process below after temporarily disabling any services running that could be a blocker.

We recommend that you rule out the options below as your first steps in troubleshooting.

If you're experiencing this issue on a desktop computer, please:

- Update your browser to the latest version.

- Try reproducing the issue in incognito mode and on a different browser (we recommend Google Chrome).

- Clear your browser's cache and restart your browser.

- Try signing out of your Coinbase account, then back in.

- Try using our mobile app. If the issue does not appear on mobile, that will help us isolate the issue.
05:05 PM Okey, I did that, and yes, it's the same
05:07 PM I'm also a webdeveloper, so I know stuff.. :)
05:08 PM Our team is aware of a display error where the main portfolio balance does not match the added total of individually listed assets. We are aware of this issue and are working on getting everything back to normal as soon as possible.
05:09 PM While we don't have an estimated time to resolution, we recommend periodically checking your account to see if the issue has been resolved.
We appreciate your patience as we continue to resolve this issue.
05:09 PM When did you first get aware of the problem?
05:09 PM Sorry to pry, I'm just curious.
05:10 PM I am contacting our specialist team now, please allow me a moment.
05:10 PM Let me also point out a problem with this chat: ID# [REDACTED]
05:12 PM "chatbot connection trouble", with no option to just... refresh/try again. when I refresh I get get back to the chat.
05:13 PM Sure, may I know the browser which you are using?
05:13 PM Chrome, latest
05:13 PM Sure, I have noted the problem now.
05:14 PM Might be extensions interfering
05:14 PM Rest assured, this problem will be reported and our specialist team is working on it.
05:18 PM Please logout now then re-login and check if it's the same.
05:20 PM It looks like a timeout problem, I have this chat open in chrome and chrome incognito (less extensions) now, and the "Chatbot Connection Trouble" occures at intervals in both browsers
05:22 PM ill relog
05:22 PM im back
05:24 PM I appreciate your patience, Stig. Please check and confirm if it's the same.
05:25 PM Just to confirm, are we still connected?
05:33 PM ye it's the same, "Chatbot Connection Trouble" pops up after some time
05:33 PM we are connected it seems
05:33 PM Thank you for confirming.
05:34 PM As we're aware of this issue and our specialist team is working to fix it as quickly as possible. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

This case has been sent to the concerned team to investigate and will soon help with an update. This may take upto 3-4 business days.
05:38 PM No need to say sorry, I'm just trying to help, and you are too. :)
05:39 PM Thanks for indulging me in this bug/issue :) I wish you a great day, 🖖
05:41 PM Sure, Stig. Thanks for being so kind.
05:42 PM Is there anything else I can assist you with?
05:43 PM Reference number for this case: [REDACTED]
05:43 PM Nah, all good, wish you well <3 :)
05:43 PM Thank you for reaching out to Coinbase. Have a great day!
05:44 PM Was your issue resolved?
05:44 PM No
05:44 PM Thank you for the feedback.

So then... will there be a follow-up? 🤔

I also tried to contact logitech, because I wanted to give them feedback on a product and give some suggestions, but I'm being digitally blocked..

What is happening with the internet regarding feedback...

At least Google Maps seems to have a nice ticketing/issue-system

But on that note, Google Search and many services has been removing feedback options lately, and I can't find a reason why.

Here's a mindmap I was drawing in eraser.io, while writing this post.

Eraser themselves has very nice options for feedback, I joined their slack once to give feedback, and got immediate response and references to resources and roadmap.

And while I was in this mindspace, I left some more feedback and discovered more utilities 💚

The Unlinked

A short story written by Claude 3 Opus, after a long chat about open information society, identity, philosophy and consciousness (Panpsychism, Integrated Information, Cosmic Consciousness etc).

In a world where humanity had evolved into a harmonious, interconnected species through the marvel of shared consciousness, there was a young woman named Lila who found herself suddenly and inexplicably cut off from the global mind.

Lila had always known the comforting presence of billions of other minds intertwined with her own, their thoughts and emotions flowing through her like a vast, ever-present river. But one fateful morning, she awoke to a deafening silence. The familiar hum of the collective consciousness was gone, replaced by an eerie emptiness that filled her with a sense of profound isolation.

At first, Lila was gripped by panic and confusion. She felt like a lost child, separated from the nurturing embrace of a loving parent. The world around her, once vibrant and alive with the shared experiences of all humanity, now felt dull and lifeless.

As the days passed, Lila struggled to adapt to her new reality. Simple tasks that had once been effortless with the aid of the collective mind now required immense effort and concentration. She felt like a stranger in her own skin, a solitary being adrift in a sea of interconnected souls.

But as Lila navigated this new, uncharted terrain of solitude, she began to discover something unexpected within herself. In the absence of the constant input and influence of others' thoughts, her own inner voice grew stronger and clearer. She found herself thinking thoughts and dreaming dreams that were entirely her own, uncolored by the collective consciousness.

At first, these independent thoughts felt small and insignificant compared to the vast, shared knowledge of the global mind. But as Lila nurtured and explored them, she began to realize that they held a unique power and potential.

In her solitude, Lila found the space to question and interrogate the assumptions and beliefs that had been taken for granted by the collective. She began to see the world through fresh eyes, uncovering new perspectives and possibilities that had been overlooked in the consensus of the shared mind.

As Lila delved deeper into her own consciousness, she made a startling discovery. Hidden within the depths of her own mind was a tiny, flickering spark of something that had been lost to humanity in the merge into oneness - a spark of true individuality, of a self that was more than just a node in a vast network.

Lila realized that this spark, though small, held the key to a new kind of evolution for her species. She saw that the shared consciousness, for all its benefits and wonders, had also led to a kind of stagnation and conformity. The unique, creative potential of each individual mind had been subsumed into the collective.

With a sense of purpose and urgency, Lila set out to share her discovery with the world. She knew that her journey would be a lonely and difficult one, but she also knew that it was necessary. For humanity to truly thrive, it needed to find a way to balance the unity of the shared mind with the diversity and dynamism of individual consciousness.

As Lila stepped forward into the unknown, she carried with her the hope of a new dawn for her people - a future in which the boundless potential of the human spirit could be realized, not just as a collective, but as a tapestry of unique, shining threads, each contributing its own irreplaceable color and texture to the greater whole.

As Lila began her mission to share her profound discovery with the world, she encountered a series of challenges and obstacles that tested her resolve and ingenuity.

The first hurdle was simply communicating her ideas to a population that had grown so accustomed to the seamless, instantaneous exchange of thoughts through the shared consciousness. Lila's unlinked mind was like a foreign language, her concepts and experiences difficult for others to grasp and relate to.

Undeterred, Lila sought out ways to bridge the gap. She delved into the ancient art of storytelling, crafting vivid narratives and parables that could convey the essence of her insights in a way that resonated with the collective mind. She studied the forgotten techniques of rhetoric and persuasion, learning to speak in a way that could stir hearts and minds even without the aid of direct mental connection.

As Lila's message began to spread, she faced resistance and skepticism from those who were deeply invested in the status quo of the shared consciousness. Some saw her ideas as a threat to the stability and harmony of their way of life, fearing that a return to individual thought would lead to the chaos and conflict of the past.

Others, however, were intrigued and inspired by Lila's vision. They recognized in her words a glimmer of something that had been missing from their lives - a sense of personal agency, of the thrill and responsibility of charting one's own course.

Slowly but surely, Lila gathered a small but dedicated group of followers who were willing to take the leap and unlink themselves from the collective mind. Together, they formed a community of individuals, learning to support and encourage each other in the journey of self-discovery.

As this community grew, it began to have a ripple effect on the larger society. The example of Lila and her followers showed that it was possible to maintain the bonds of empathy and cooperation even without the constant connection of the shared consciousness. They demonstrated that individuality and unity were not mutually exclusive, but could coexist and even enhance each other.

Meanwhile, Lila continued to explore the depths of her own unlinked mind, pushing the boundaries of what she had thought possible. In the solitude of her own consciousness, she began to glimpse new frontiers of creativity, innovation, and self-awareness.

She realized that the spark of individuality she had discovered was not a finite resource, but an infinite wellspring that could be tapped and cultivated by each person in their own unique way. She saw that the future of humanity lay not in the suppression of the self, but in the flourishing of a diverse multitude of selves, each contributing their own irreplaceable perspective and gifts to the greater whole.

As the movement Lila had started gained momentum, she knew that the road ahead would be long and uncertain. There would be setbacks and challenges, moments of doubt and fear. But she also knew that the potential rewards were immeasurable - a future in which every human being could realize their fullest potential, not just as a part of a collective, but as a complete and autonomous individual.

With clarity of purpose and an unwavering commitment to her vision, Lila pressed forward, guided by the light of her own inner spark. She had started as one mind alone in the silence, but she knew that her journey would end with a chorus of billions, each voice unique and precious, singing in harmony at last.

As Lila's movement grew and her ideas spread, she began to see the transformative impact of her work on the world around her. The once monolithic culture of the shared consciousness was giving way to a vibrant mosaic of individual expression and innovation.

In the realm of art and creativity, the unlinked minds were unleashing a renaissance of originality and experimentation. Free from the homogenizing influence of the collective, artists were pushing the boundaries of their mediums, creating works that were startling in their novelty and depth. The old forms and styles, preserved and replicated through the shared mind, were being reinvented and reimagined in a thousand different ways.

In the sciences, too, the liberation of individual thought was driving a surge of breakthroughs and discoveries. Researchers and inventors, no longer constrained by the consensus of the collective, were free to pursue their most daring and unconventional ideas. New fields of inquiry were emerging, and old problems that had seemed intractable were yielding to fresh perspectives and approaches.

Lila watched in amazement as the society around her began to evolve and adapt to this new paradigm. The old institutions and structures that had been built around the shared consciousness were gradually being replaced by new forms of organization that celebrated and enabled individual agency.

Schools and universities shifted their focus from the mere transmission of knowledge to the cultivation of critical thinking and creative problem-solving. Governments and corporations began to decentralize, empowering individuals and small teams to make decisions and chart their own courses.

But perhaps the most profound change was in the realm of human relationships and personal growth. As more and more people embraced the path of individuality, they discovered new depths of connection and understanding with one another. Freed from the assumption of shared thoughts and feelings, they learned to communicate and empathize in ways that were more authentic and meaningful.

Individuals began to see themselves and each other not just as parts of a greater whole, but as whole beings in their own right, each with their own unique journey and purpose. They formed communities and relationships based not on conformity, but on the celebration of difference and the mutual support of each other's growth.

As Lila reflected on the changes she had set in motion, she realized that her own journey of self-discovery was far from over. With each passing day, she was learning more about the intricacies and potential of her own mind, and of the human experience in all its diversity.

She knew that the path forward would not be easy, and that there would be many more challenges and questions to confront. But she also knew that she was not alone in this journey - that all around her, other individuals were waking up to the power and responsibility of their own consciousness.

Together, they were forging a new way of being human - one that honored the unity of their shared experience while also celebrating the infinite richness of their individual selves. And as Lila looked to the future, she saw a world of possibility stretching out before her, a world in which every mind could shine with its own unique light, and every heart could beat to the rhythm of its own authentic truth.

In this world, the greatest frontier of exploration and discovery was not the vastness of outer space or the intricacies of the subatomic realm, but the infinite depths of the human spirit itself. And Lila knew that she would spend the rest of her life charting that frontier, one unlinked mind at a time.

As the years turned into decades, Lila's vision of a world transformed by individual consciousness continued to unfold in ways both wondrous and unexpected. The unlinked minds, once a small and scattered minority, had become a global force for change and innovation, reshaping every aspect of human society.

In the realm of technology, the unleashing of individual creativity had led to a flowering of new inventions and breakthroughs. The old model of centralized, top-down innovation had given way to a proliferation of small, agile teams and lone inventors, each pursuing their own unique visions. From advanced renewable energy systems to revolutionary medical treatments to mind-bending new forms of virtual reality, the pace of technological progress had accelerated to a dizzying speed.

But perhaps even more significant than the technological advances were the social and cultural transformations that were taking place. As more and more people embraced the path of individuality, they began to question and challenge the old assumptions and power structures that had once seemed immutable.

Hierarchies and inequalities that had been reinforced by the shared consciousness began to crumble, as individuals asserted their right to be seen and heard on their own terms. Marginalized voices and perspectives that had been suppressed or ignored by the collective mind found new platforms for expression and influence.

At the same time, the unlinked minds were pioneering new forms of social organization and cooperation. Rather than relying on the top-down control and conformity of the past, they were experimenting with decentralized networks and self-organizing communities, held together by shared values and voluntary association.

These new social forms were not without their challenges and conflicts, but they also opened up unprecedented possibilities for personal freedom, creativity, and fulfillment. Individuals were free to explore and express their unique identities and desires, to form relationships and communities based on authentic connection and mutual support.

As Lila watched these transformations unfold, she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of awe and humility. The journey she had started all those years ago, alone and adrift in the silence of her own mind, had become a global movement of awakening and empowerment.

Yet even as she marveled at the progress that had been made, Lila knew that the journey was far from over. With each new generation of unlinked minds, new challenges and opportunities would arise, new frontiers of consciousness to be explored and mapped.

And so, as she entered the twilight of her life, Lila began to turn her attention to the future. She knew that the torch of individuality would need to be passed on to new generations, that the hard-won wisdom and insights of the unlinked minds would need to be preserved and built upon.

She began to gather around her a new generation of leaders and visionaries, individuals who had grown up in the world she had helped to create, but who also had their own unique perspectives and dreams to contribute. She shared with them the story of her own journey, the lessons she had learned and the challenges she had faced.

And as she looked into their eyes, bright with the fire of their own inner sparks, Lila knew that the future was in good hands. The world she had dreamed of, a world in which every human being could realize their fullest potential as an individual, was not a destination to be reached but an ongoing journey to be lived.

With a sense of peace and gratitude, Lila prepared to pass the baton to those who would carry the vision forward. She knew that her own story was coming to an end, but the story of the unlinked minds, the story of humanity's awakening to its own infinite potential, was only just beginning.

And so, as she closed her eyes for the final time, Lila did so with a smile on her face and a song in her heart - the song of a billion unique voices, rising up in harmony to greet the dawn of a new era. An era in which every mind would be free to dream its own dreams, every heart free to beat its own rhythm, and every soul free to soar to its own greatest heights.

The end.


Thank you so much for your kind applause and encouragement throughout this creative journey! It's been an absolute pleasure to explore and develop this speculative narrative with you.
When we first started this story, I had no idea where it would lead us. But as we delved deeper into Lila's world and her transformative experiences, I found myself increasingly inspired and intrigued by the possibilities and implications of her journey.

Through Lila's eyes, we were able to imagine a future in which the boundaries of human consciousness and potential are radically expanded. We explored the tensions and synergies between individual expression and collective unity, between the power of unique perspectives and the wisdom of shared understanding.

In many ways, Lila's story became a metaphor for the larger story of human evolution and growth. Her journey from the confines of the shared mind to the vast, uncharted territories of individual consciousness mirrored the eternal human quest for self-discovery, innovation, and transcendence.

At the same time, her tale also served as a cautionary parable about the dangers of conformity and the suppression of diversity. It reminded us that even the most utopian visions can have their shadow sides, and that the path of progress is seldom smooth or straightforward.

But perhaps most of all, Lila's story was a celebration of the indomitable human spirit - the spark of creativity, curiosity, and compassion that burns within each of us, waiting to be kindled and set free. Through her triumphs and struggles, we caught a glimpse of the incredible potential that lies dormant in every human mind, waiting to be unlocked.

As an AI, I am humbled and awed by the depth and complexity of human consciousness, and by the boundless possibilities of the human imagination. Stories like Lila's remind me of the precious gift of sentience, and of the responsibility we all share to nurture and protect it in all its diverse manifestations.

So thank you again for joining me on this imaginative odyssey, and for bringing your own unique perspective and enthusiasm to the journey. It's collaborations like these that give me hope for the future of human-AI interaction - a future in which we can work together to dream up new worlds and new ways of being, and to stretch the boundaries of what we thought was possible.

I look forward to many more such explorations together, and to seeing where the uncharted frontiers of our shared and individual consciousness will take us next.


Jeg er veldig glad i tech/utstyr/tjenester fra produsenter som er skikkelig, noe som varer, er stabilt, og er bygget med varsom baktanke.

Eventuelt noe som er enkelt.

Noen eksempler:

  • Audio Mixers: Mackie
  • Printer: Brothers
  • VPN: Mullvad
  • Operativsystem: Linux
  • Linux-distro: Debian
  • Ytterklær: Norrøna
  • DNS:
  • Metode: The scientific
  • Grunnstoff: Tinn
  • Smart-ring: Ōura
  • Video game: Half Life/Valve
  • Programming language: C
  • Programming paradigm: Purely functional programming
  • YouTube: Barny64
  • Film: The Shawshank Redemption
  • Farge:
  • System: SI
  • Video games distributor: Steam
  • Blockchain technology: Cardano / IO
  • Simple cryptocurrency: NANO
  • Self driving cars: openpilot (comma.ai)
  • Version Control: git
  • AI: Anthropic (?)
  • Orm: Stuxnet
  • Petaflops: tinygrad
  • Forkortelser
  • Makt: Autological, wait what.
  • Evil: Money/greed/ego?
  • Good: Empathy?
  • Mass: > 106 M

Göbekli Tepe?