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Always Show Full URLs

Why isn't this active as standard in Chrome?

I believe full URLs should always be exposed as much as possible, because it makes people question things like "What does that https mean?", and also WYSIWYG. Ever tried to just copy paste something, and then a lot of other shit you didn't know was there, was pasted? Yeah, same. And I know why, but I'm guessing most people don't.

So Google, why are we afraid to show the scheme in the address bar?

This cool image was grabbed from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/uris-urls-urns-explained-simply-bejjanki-sathvik-rao-kh2wc

"min" data

Noe som frustrerer meg litt er hvordan web enda ikke har nådd "my data, my control"-perioden. Gleder meg til vi når dette, sånn at jeg kan oppdatere min info ett sted. Fremfor å måtte oppdatere adresse og annen info hos alle som har det lagret. Det burde være mitt ansvar (ev. delegert agent) å oppdatere min info, og videre andres ansvar å oppdatere infoen jeg har oppdatert. Sounds like a better web. Nice.


Teknologier finnes:





Global scale implementation mangler.

Men hvordan mapper man ett unikt menneske til én unik SSI? Og hva er den ultimate sikkerheten i fremtiden? Kan bevissthet mappes til identitet? 🤔