Hypothesis: uplink consciousness
Yes. what is consciousness? We have this brain of ours that magically converts information into what we experience as some three dimensional space. Plus time, I guess.
A world building machine. A Supercomputer. But why just 3 dimensions? And why, through psychedelia, do we experience reality/realities that is different. Something else.
I really hope science finds a connection. I really hope intelligent life already exists, and it's here, all around, and we just don't know how to communicate with quantum realms yet. Or hyperspace. Or whatever lingo.
Ahh, what a time to live, the singularity, internet, identity, decentralization, open information flow. It's a time i've been longing for since childhood. Something's happening, finally (mostly new perspectives through self improvement). Looking very forward to joining a super shared consciousness everything. If it exists.
Link dump for cool brainfuck: